Saturday, September 15, 2007

VFD - Day 1

Well, not really a day. I have spent a few hours fumbling around with this though. I followed a mish-mash of instructions from the following sites:

It 'kinda' works, in the sense that I can send messages to the VFD panel, and they will display (IMON VFD), but Myth cannot connect to the lcd0 device. (Could not connect to LCDd: connection refused.) I get this message one of two ways... if I already have LCDd running, then I can't connect because it is already bound to something (mythlcdserver needs to start LCDd itself), if I kill LCDd, and run mythlcdserver -v all (verbose output), then I get the error above.

The MythTV Imon page also has some good information on my LIRC remote too, especially the part about the remote pad... that should help me along on finishing the remote configuration.

Anyway, time to go and eat... I guess I will finish it later.

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